To nie fair
1 r

Niby nie kopie się leżącego... Ale oni fruwają w oparach absurdu
"I don't want to get too emotional, but it was a great journey to have Henry Cavill on this show and we will miss him. But, at the same time, we have a very, very good plan to introduce our new Geralt and our new vision for Geralt with Liam. Not going deeply into those ideas because this will be a huge spoiler, [but] it's also very, very close to the meta ideas which are deeply embedded in the books, especially in book five.
It's very lore-accurate, it's very close to what was set out in the books and I think this change will be quite flawless. But at the same time it will be a new Geralt, it will be a new face for this character and I think it will also be very, very exciting to see."
It's very lore-accurate, it's very close to what was set out in the books and I think this change will be quite flawless. But at the same time it will be a new Geralt, it will be a new face for this character and I think it will also be very, very exciting to see."
"Nie chcę być zbyt emocjonalny, ale to była wspaniała przygoda mieć Henry'ego Cavilla w tej produkcji i będziemy za nim tęsknić. Jednak jednocześnie mamy bardzo, bardzo dobry plan wprowadzenia naszego nowego Geralt'a i naszej nowej wizji dla Geralt'a z Liamem. Nie będę zbyt zagłębiał się w te pomysły, ponieważ to byłby ogromny spoiler, ale są one również bardzo blisko związane z meta-ideami, które są głęboko osadzone w książkach, zwłaszcza w piątej księdze."